Cherokee Central Schools has a balanced assessment system that includes formative and summative assessments. The school district follows the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and administers state assessments at the end of the semester or end of school year. These assessments are aligned with the state standards.
Formative assessments:
mCLASS: Reading 3D (includes DIBELS) - CES
NC Check-ins (NCCI) for grades 3 - 8 in reading and math; science in grades 5 and 8
Cherokee Central Schools has a balanced assessment system that includes formative and summative assessments. The school district follows the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and administers state assessments at the end of the semester or end of school year. These assessments are aligned with the state standards.
Formative assessments:
mCLASS: Reading 3D (includes DIBELS) - CES
NC Check-ins (NCCI) for grades 3 - 8 in reading and math; science in grades 5 and 8
NC Check-ins (NCCI) for NC Math 1, Math 3, and Biology
Summative assessments:
End-of-Grade (EOG) - grades 3-8
End-of-Course (EOC) - high school + Math I in middle school
Career and Technical Education post-assessments (CTE) - high school
Parent Information & Guides:
Summative assessments:
End-of-Grade (EOG) - grades 3-8
End-of-Course (EOC) - high school + Math I in middle school
Career and Technical Education post-assessments (CTE) - high school
Parent Information & Guides:
Department of Public Instruction beneficial Family Guide and Explanations
Department of Public Instruction Youtube Guide [4:19]
Most funding for Cherokee Central Schools flows through the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE). Because CCS receives federal funding through the BIE, it must meet the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) reporting requirements. Each year, the school district reports its performance on the reading and math EOGs in grades 3-8, and science EOG data is reported in grades 5 and 8. Data from the Biology, Math 1, Math 3, and English II EOC assessments are reported for high school.
Most funding for Cherokee Central Schools flows through the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE). Because CCS receives federal funding through the BIE, it must meet the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) reporting requirements. Each year, the school district reports its performance on the reading and math EOGs in grades 3-8, and science EOG data is reported in grades 5 and 8. Data from the Biology, Math 1, Math 3, and English II EOC assessments are reported for high school.