If you are seeking payment for work completed as an individual and you do not work for CCS, we need a W9 completed and signed, an Invoice filled out for work completed, and the following Independent Contract needs to be completed by the contractor and signed by the department director before payment can be processed. The director of the department you have worked for will need to turn in all documents to the Finance Office for payment to process. Please allow up to 30 days for payment.
If you are seeking payment for work completed as an individual and you do not work for CCS, we need a W9 completed and signed, an Invoice filled out for work completed, and the following Independent Contract needs to be completed by the contractor and signed by the department director before payment can be processed. The director of the department you have worked for will need to turn in all documents to the Finance Office for payment to process. Please allow up to 30 days for payment.
If you are a CCS employee seeking payment for work completed outside your regular job duties, please see the Human Resources Coordinator or Director for a short term contract.