Student Services » CMS-Talented and Gifted

CMS-Talented and Gifted

Cherokee Middle School (CMS)


Duke TIP Services & Resources for Talented Students in Grades 4-7


Learn About Middle School Opportunities Offered through NC School of Science and Mathematics (NCSSM)



Virtual College Tours: Find Information on the Schools that Interest You



Science Fair Opportunities


Scientific Method

sci·en·tif·ic meth·od


noun: scientific method; plural noun: scientific methods

a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.

Science and the Scientific Method: A Definition (Live Science)


AISES (American Indian Science and Engineering Society)


Middle School Science Fair project ideas:

Find a Science Project idea at


Virtual Science Fairs
Virtual Science Fair Projects for All Grades K-12

Google Science Fair Resources: Finding a Project

What Will You Try?


Khan Academy Resources


Computer Programming

Intro to JS (JavaScript) Drawing and Animation


Math: Grade 7 Math Enrichment



MAP your College Pathway through RIT Score Map 

(Link works best if opened with Google Chrome) 


Field Trip Opportunities

Mechatronics Lab, SCC Center, Bryson City (for TaG students and CMS Robotics class)

UNC-Asheville Campus tour with Dr. Trey Adcock, sponsor of Native American Student Association

UNCA Tour Agenda (TaG Grades 6-9)

“Athletic Adventure”

  • Tour of Athletic Facilities
  • Facilitator: Christine Boissevain


 “Admissions Adventure”

  • Overview of UNCA and College Admissions
  • Facilitator: Brittany Privott


Lunch in UNCA Brown Hall

  • Native American Student Association Members will join and talk about Student Org. Memberships


Tour of Campus

  • Devyn Smith, NASA President, EBCI member and Student Ambassador (45 minutes)


Academic Adventure”

Robotics/New Media Presentation – Dr. Susan Reiser


Cherokee Water Treatment Plant (TaG sponsored trip for their Grade 7 Science class)

Cherokee Wastewater Treatment Plant (TaG sponsored trip for their Grade 7 Science class)

Cherokee Solid Waste (TaG sponsored trip for their Grade 7 Science class)