3000 Educational Program
- 3000 Goals and Objectives of the Educational Program
- 3100 Curriculum Development
- 3101 Dual Enrollment
- 3102 Online Instruction
- 3110 Innovation in Curriculum and Instruction
- 3115 Curriculum and Instructional Guides
- 3120 Lesson Planning
- 3130 Grouping for Instruction
- 3135 Homework
- 3140 Evaluation of Instructional Programs
- 3200 Selection of Instructional Materials
- 3210 Parental Inspection of and Objection to Instruction Materials
- 3220 Technology in the Educational Program
- 3225_4312_7320 Technology Responsible Use
- 3226_4205 Internet Safety
- 3227_7322 Web Page Development
- 3230_7330 Copyright Compliance
- 3300 School Calendar and Time for Learning
- 3320 School Trips
- 3400 Evaluation of Student Progress
- 3405 Students at Risk of Academic Failure
- 3410 Testing and Assessment Program
- 3420 Student Promotion and Accountability
- 3430 School Improvement Plan
- 3431 Conflict Resolution
- 3440 Recognizing Excellence
- 3450 Class Rankings
- 3460 Graduation Requirements
- 3470_4305 Alternative Learning Programs_Schools
- 3510 Religious-Based Exemptions from School Programs
- 3515 Religion in School
- 3520 Special Education Programs_Rights of Students with Disabilities
- 3530 Citizenship and Character Education
- 3540 Comprehensive Health Education Program
- 1320_3560 Title I Parent and Family Engagement
- 3610 Counseling Program
- 3620 Extracurricular Activities and Student Organizations
- 3640_5130 Student Voter Registration and Preregistration
Per resolution #20-049, policy 3565/8307 removed; 8/19/19.